
Fitness has become a booming industry with thousands of success stories around the world. People are sharing their journeys with friends, family, and followers; often sparking a chain reaction striving for a healthier lifestyle. In this brief interaction celebrity trainer Lawrence Roebuck gave us an inside look to his journey , triumphs, and his journey to making fitness accessible to all with his virtual workouts through ACE360.

SHEEN: Can you tell us about your journey from being an athlete to becoming a personal trainer and celebrity barber?

Lawrence: After tearing my ACL, I was hesitant to undergo surgery and started researching ways to recover from the injury. My father’s professional knowledge and practical approach, who was a certified trainer, inspired me to become a trainer myself. Since my father was already cutting my hair, I decided to follow his footsteps, despite his main career being in the sanitation business, and the rest became a hobby for him.

SHEEN: What inspired you to combine fitness and grooming to offer a unique wellness experience to your clients?

Lawrence: I have always believed in self-care, and once I became passionate about fitness, I realized that true health involves the combination of both.

SHEEN: How has growing up in the Bronx influenced your work as a fitness professional and barber?

Lawrence: My admiration for my uncle, a bodybuilder with several trophies and awards, and my father’s commitment to self-care and wellness, which earned him respect and admiration, had a significant influence on me as a child.

SHEEN: Can you share some of the challenges you faced in building your reputation as a top-notch service provider in the wellness industry?

Lawrence: Starting as a new barber in a shop, it was tough to attract customers initially. Despite distributing hundreds of flyers, some people would turn me down or throw them away. I had to invest thousands of dollars in marketing, and there were times when I didn’t even break even.

SHEEN: How do you stay motivated to help your clients achieve their fitness and grooming goals?

Lawrence: I’m a perfectionist and always striving to be the best version of myself. I think people can sense that about me, which motivates me to give them my best at all times.

SHEEN: What sets your wellness approach apart from other fitness and grooming services in the industry?

Lawrence: I practice what I preach. By leading by example and not just words, people take me more seriously than most.

SHEEN: Can you describe some of the virtual services you offer at ACE 360 Fit?

Lawrence: We offer customized workout and nutrition plans with the ability to track fitness journeys, upload progress pictures and measurements, access fitness challenges, VOD workouts, live training, and more!

SHEEN: What advice would you give to individuals who are new to fitness and grooming, and are looking to establish healthy habits?

Lawrence: Don’t try to make life-altering adjustments all at once, as it’s not sustainable. It takes time to develop healthy habits. Identify your strengths and weaknesses, and build around them. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day!

SHEEN: How do you prioritize self-care and wellness in your personal life?

Lawrence: It’s at the top of my list. Life has taught me that the energy and love you give to others directly correlate with how you feel about yourself.

SHEEN: Can you tell us about any exciting upcoming projects or collaborations for ACE 360 Fit?

Lawrence: I’m currently working with a celebrity chef to bring a more comprehensive personal training service to my brand, offering meal plan services and recipes in combination with training.

SHEEN:How do you balance running a successful business and maintaining a high level of service to your clients?

Lawrence: Organization and passion are key. I love what I do, and I only do what I love.

SHEEN: What have been some of your proudest moments in your career so far?

Lawrence: Forming an LLC for my business, landing my first celebrity client (NFL star-Lesean McCoy), attaining my first publication, and transitioning from a barbershop to my private suite.

SHEEN: How has your work with celebrities influenced your approach to fitness and grooming for your clients?

Lawrence: It has taught me to respect time and be more professional. Successful people