
With spring and summer months fast approaching, we believe that it’s never too late or early to start a new habit. New habits can be an exercise regime, an eating habit, or even a project like juicing.

Yes, we said juicing!

Juicing has many beneficial beauty, health and financial gains that will not only make you glow but also increase in overflow.  Some of the benefits include losing weight, mental alertness, glowing skin, and an immune system boost.

Have we convinced you to start juicing?  If so, we have provided four tips to get you started on your juicing journey.

Tip 1: Why do you want to start juicing?

Make sure you do your research and outline your Juicing goals. Also, set that budget for the weeks or months to come for that juicer and grocery list consisting of fruits and vegetables.

Tip 2: Which juicing method do you want to use for maximum results? 

Purchase a juicer! Juicers range between $30 to $200.  However, if you aren’t interested in purchasing a juicer and worrying about things breaking, you can always use the manual method.

The manual method includes cheesecloth, a blender, a measuring cup, and a mason jar. This method takes longer but we know that you will definitely save more money and get more nutritional benefits.

Tip 3: What types of juices do you want to enjoy and benefit from?

We found a Carrot-Orange Juice that will boost your immune system! (Courtesy of Food Network)

Step 1:  Pre-wash and cut all fruits and vegetables.  

You will need 3 carrots (peeled), 2 oranges (peeled and seeds removed), and 1   tablespoon of chia seed or turmeric (optional)

Step 2: Prep for juicing.

  • Automatic Juicer: Follow the given directions to set-up.
  • Manual Juicer: Gather all the materials that include cheesecloth, a blender, a measuring cup, and a mason jar.

Step 3: Start Juicing! Takes about 5 minutes to prep and create one serving.

  • Automatic Juicers:
    • Insert 3 carrots, then the 2 oranges, and finally the chia seeds or turmeric powder
    • Make sure that all the juice enters the mason jar.
  • Manual Juicer:
    • Place the 3 carrots, 2 oranges, and chia seeds or turmeric powder in a blender with 1 cup of water.
    • Once all ingredients are blended in a pulp, prep cheesecloth over a measuring cup to start juicing process.
    • Let the fun begin! Pour the blended ingredients over the cheesecloth in small amounts and manually squeeze juice into the measuring cup.
    • Lastly, after all the juice has been squeezed into the measuring cup pour the juice in the mason jar.
    • All excess pulp can be discarded or kept for a zesty salad.

 Step 4: Store mason jar in the refrigerator, so that the juice can get cold.

Tip 4: Did you place the juice in a mason jar?

Now sit back and enjoy your amazing juice. We guarantee this will change your life!



I Live the Life I Love 


Food Network
