
Clean lines, plenty of natural light, zero clutter – minimalist bedrooms are perfect for anyone looking to keep their bedroom a calming, zen haven to retreat to. Minimalist bedrooms look simple enough to execute, but decluttering your bedroom can be a daunting project to undertake.

Whether you’re a total beginner when it comes to re-decoration projects, or you’ve had some experience changing up decor styles in your bedroom, it might be tough knowing where to begin when trying to decorate a minimalist bedroom.

Thankfully, there are a few fail-proof tricks you can use to ensure you accomplish a truly Instagram-worthy minimalist haven. From finding the best mattress sizes you can when looking out for essential bedroom furniture, to using the rule of symmetry so you can keep things looking organized, here are some of our top tips for beginners:

#1: Keeping Sleep Simple

Minimalist bedrooms utilize a function-first approach when it comes to bedroom furniture. What this means is that apart from your bed, a nightstand, and storage solutions for your belongings, you don’t want to overcrowd things. A wonderful, trendy option are the bedroom drawers UK because they provide versatility and a stylish touch!

Since minimalist bedrooms are so spare, it’s important to invest in high-quality pieces of bedroom furniture when you need them. Your bed, and more specifically your mattress, is likely going to be one of the most important pieces of furniture you invest in.

Finding the best mattress for your comfort depends largely on what you’re after. Memory foam mattresses are a versatile choice for any bedroom. They’re the best mattresses for those who are looking for balance between comfort and support.

Beds made of memory foam are also the best mattresses if you share a bedroom with your partner. This is because memory foam mattresses have motion isolating capabilities that ensure you won’t be interrupted by a partner’s tossing and turning through the night.

Beds in minimalist bedrooms also try to stay simple in terms of additional accessories, such as decorative cushions, bed frames, and any other bedding. Most of the best mattresses are engineered to be used without a bed frame at all, so stick with a basic foundation, and don’t worry about compromising your comfort in doing so.

#2: Using A Monochrome Color Scheme

Another mistake often made about minimalist bedrooms is that they need to be white or black. While this isn’t necessarily true, sticking to one or two shades of color is best when trying to redecorate your bedroom with minimalist decor in mind.

Monochrome color schemes not only make decisions about bedroom furniture a whole lot easier. Eliminating options and narrowing things down to things that will complement your chosen color scheme will make it a lot simpler to decorate your bedroom.

If monochromatic looks aren’t for you, then choosing a color or two to use as accents can keep your bedroom in line with the minimalist aesthetic without it getting too dull. Integrating your color scheme in your bedding, walls, and even floors can help create a unified and organized looking space.

#3: Minimizing Clutter Using Storage Solutions

One of the most important rules of minimalist bedroom decor is to minimize any opportunity for clutter. This was first popularised by author Mari Kondo in her best-selling book ‘The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up’, where she advocates keeping things that spark joy and have a purpose, and getting rid of any additional bedroom furniture.

So how do you go about transforming an ordinary room into one that has only things you absolutely need? Scanning every single corner of your bedroom – your closet, bookshelf, and vanity – separate everything that you need from the things you’re holding on to for no obvious reason.

If the purpose of your bedroom is for you to unwind, and get a good night’s sleep, the only things that need you really need is a bed with the best mattress you can find for your comfort, and a nightstand that you might be able to use for any bedside reading.

#4: Using The Rule Of Symmetry

A great rule of thumb when you’re decorating your minimalist bedroom is to use the rule of symmetry to keep things looking balanced and even. When you’re thinking about keeping things looking clean and orderly, using the rule of symmetry can be really handy to arrange things in your mind.

The rule of symmetry is exactly what it sounds like: using mirror imaging as you’re arranging your bedroom furniture to restore a sense of balance back into your space. Two other facets of design when you’re referring to minimalist bedrooms is a sense of proportion and scale.

Planning to decorate a minimalist bedroom can be tricky if you don’t know where to start. Focussing on select, quality pieces of bedroom decor, such as the best mattress you can find for your sleep, and eliminating any unnecessary bits and pieces of clutter from your room can help you get that much closer to the minimalist bedroom of your dreams.