
In recent sit down with The Breakfast Club, Diddy shared his regain of rights to Sean John and the resurrection of the fashion lifestyle company. Sean John’s 1998 debut was nothing short of commercial success bagging him the top fashion award from Council of Fashion Designers America (CFDA) in 2004. In fact, Diddy was the first African American man recognized with the Men’s Designer of the Year Award while up against fashion houses such as Ralph Lauren and Michael Kors. The lifestyle brand expanded through its years to include an array of product categories including suits, sportswear, eyewear, underwear, footwear, children’s wear, and more.

“I’m getting back into fashion. I’m at my highest level of creativity. My highest frequency,” he says during his Breakfast Club interview.

This time around, Diddy wants to curate timeless pieces that will surpass its previous annual sales of $525M. This relaunch could take years to curate, but Diddy shows gratitude knowing he has big shoes to fill mentioning Off-white and Yeezy as his now competing brands. There’s no doubt Diddy was a trailblazer in the early 2000s taking the fashion world by a storm so we can’t wait to see him reclaim the title and get back in his bag (a fashionable bag of course).

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