
Snowfall, the series airing on FX and Hulu makes every effort to tell the truth of what happened when drugs entered our communities. The show puts on display for the world to see how the government of the United States of America brought drugs into our community and pushed it off like Black people were doing it all themselves. In season three we see the nightmare unfold and the havoc it caused in our neighborhoods. Season four is out and the crew has more money and more problems.  Franklin will be forced to emerge from his near-grave in order to try and regain control over his business and end the rising gang violence in the streets before it becomes an all-out war.

Snowfall has truly opened my eyes to so many things that I have not seen or heard before and season four is giving us more! Kevin Carroll, “Alton” father to Franklin says it best, “I think this (Snowfall) is our contribution to the healing process for a lot of families who didn’t have answers before.”

Why should you watch Snowfall?  Great question, let me have Franklin answer that for you, “Because it’s the greatest show in the world!”

Tune in every Wednesdays on FX at 10pm and the next day on Hulu.

Cover Photo provide by ONE/35 Agency