
What if—like food, water, a breathing heart and breathing lungs, love was essential, and the only thing needed to exist and survive in this human experience? 

Innately gifted Surrealism Painter and Compton, California native, Keisha Manijean delved into meditation for her current project. The meditation was meditating, as Keisha created a coffee table collage book, saturating the pages in 100 of Keisha’s masterpieces, created over the past 25 years of her ongoing series of works entitled, The Age of Universal Love. The coffee table collage book features her latest editions to The Universal Love Series.

Keisha’s art mediums are composed of layers of “starkly existential to playfully sensual”, silky oils, classic inks, pure charcoal, vibrant pastels, and major symbolism in the details, designed to evoke something—anything, to the viewers. Our daily eating utensils are the characters Keisha has casted in The Universal Love Series, exaggerating the essential need that all things require to thrive. Serving as intro and extrospection of, what if humans would die without love, as humans do without food. The collection tells stories of the fork—consciousness, engulfing the living being with love nourishment and support, while the spoon is tasked to scoop and harmoniously hold it all together. 

“The key to my Universal Love Series is that in order to love and be loved, you must love yourself first.” – Keisha Manijean

Keisha expresses her gifts—with love, in the form of adornment as well, with her jewelry collection, featuring her handmade healing crystal centered prayer beads. Keisha continues to influence healing by teaching and assisting art enthusiasts via painting in therapeutic ways with Artapeutic—where Art meets therapy. Artapeutic is a space where people of all ages can learn from an Art veteran, concoct their own artworks, and remedy themselves by allowing the patience and progression needed to produce something timeless is released. Classes are available, in-person and online and/or catch Keisha on Instagram and Facebook LIVE—every Sunday at 2:30pm-ish PST. 

The Age of Universal Love Series is available in both, soft and hard covers online and in-stores at Barnes and Noble. 

Follow Keisha Manijean on social media @keishamanijen and collect pieces, book art consultations, and take classes at