Alum Apparel, a fashion-forward tribute clothing brand, announced an unprecedented collaboration with the University of North Texas Alumni Association’s Black Alumni Network (UNT-BAN). Together, they are celebrating the official launch of an exclusive merchandise collection debuting just in time for UNT’s 2023 homecoming weekend.
Azim Rashid, Founder of Alum Apparel, is a distinguished executive strategist and marketing specialist with over two decades of leadership experience in the entertainment industry. The Alum Apparel brand was born from a desire to pay tribute to his alma mater through fashionable statements of gratitude, respect, and admiration. Rashid’s career has been marked by collaborations with chart-topping artists, industry leaders, and cultural icons at global brands like Motown, Universal, Atlantic, Capitol, Roc Nation, and Columbia Records. In addition to his role as CEO/Founder of Alum Apparel, Rashid serves as the Chief Strategist at The Alchemy Group and is the Founder of Behind and Beyond the Mic, a philanthropic foundation that mentors and coaches up-and-coming entertainment executives.


Who do you feel is your target audience for this collaboration? 

Azim: For the UNT-BAN collaboration the direct target audience would be our grads, undergrads, and supporters of the University of North Texas. Having a constituency of former and current students is necessary for the growth of the organization and support of the causes we represent. Anyone can be an advocate for the organization, and we welcome any and all support!

What do you define as success?

Azim:  To me success is finding meaning and purpose in your pursuits. I once read that “the journey is the destination” and if you can find happiness along the way you are successful!

What was the inspiration behind this partnership?

Azim: Initially my goal was to provide a “cool” garment for alumni to wear showing our school pride. After launching my company, Angie Jones (past president) and Kendria Taylor (current president) thought that our line would be a great partner for BAN and the university. Without them this partnership would be just a conversation piece about what we “should or could do”.

What makes your brand unique? 

Azim: Our mantra “No matter where you are from, your alum!” resonates with people from all walks of life. It takes the term “Alum” out of the academic realm and makes it relevant to the places you identify as your home. It literally can be your neighborhood, your high school, your zip code, area code city, state, or organization. Identifying “where you’re from” or where you “represent” is a long-standing position that brings affection and comradarie no matter who you are.

Is there anyone that you look up to in the fashion industry?

Azim: Ironically, I was never interested in fashion as a business pursuit but now that I’m in it I am hooked! I grew up in an era where being “clean” or “sharp dressed” was mandatory to being considered “cool”. Growing up a Hip-Hop kid, leisure and athletic gear always caught my eye and I have long been a fan of Levi’s, Nike, and Ralph Lauren.  I’m also a fan of a well-tailored Hugo Boss as my suit of choice.

What do you have planned for the next six months?

Azim: We plan to expand our offerings to represent more markets domestically (we just launched our Five Borough Tribute representing NY, 404 for Atlanta, 312 for Chicago and 213/818 and SoCal for California). We are also looking to secure more institutional partnerships amongst HBCU’s and PWI’s.

What is your proudest accomplishment?

Azim: Wow, I live and have had an incredibly blessed life with so many memorable moments but if I had to pick one it would be becoming a father. My three children have not just been blessings but have given me purpose beyond measure.

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