
The transition of everyday social life to practical isolation, hasn’t been easy for anyone. Students are having to move to online schoolwork, some of which have never done so before. College students are having to move home in a short number of hours. Many workers are being laid off, due to businesses shutting their doors, and other businesses only providing “take out” orders.

Everyone has been affected by this widespread virus, whether directly or indirectly. But what can we do to make things seem, just a little less hectic while in isolation?

Spend time with family: Although this is something simple, there are many people who never have time to just sit and talk with their families. Now is the perfect time to not only catch up, but simply converse with your family members.

  1. Workout: Working out can be simply going for a walk in your backyard or doing a full workout plan in your living room. Getting the blood flowing will not only make you feel better but will give you something to take your energy out on.
  2. Get ready for the day: You may not be able to go a whole lot of places, but taking time to get presentable, even for just one day, can help keep your body’s schedule on track. We as a society, are so used to getting up and getting ready to take on the day, that having nothing to do can make you go stir crazy. Getting up and taking a shower, fixing your hair and maybe even your makeup, is a great way to occupy yourself, and boost your confidence. Even if you’re only getting ready for yourself (but I mean, perfect selfie time, am I right?)
  3. Video chat: Social isolation just means not physically being around other people, but that doesn’t mean you can’t still talk and see your favorite people. Be sure to video chat your friends, because as much as you may miss them, they’re missing you just as much. Make a date out of it. Set up a pillow fort and prop up your camera, the two of you can enjoy a movie together. Or add more people to the call and make it a whole party! Communication is key to getting through this difficult time.

Sending love and peace to everyone. Times are hard right now in the end we only have each other. Be sure to check in on your loved ones, and please wash your hands and stay inside. We can defeat this together.