
In a heartwarming event that unfolded on November 18th, renowned international hairstylist Damienne Flagler, the visionary behind Lace Land Beauty, demonstrated the true essence of giving back. The Lace Land Beauty Giveback event, orchestrated by Denine Defined, saw the distribution of 100 wigs, complimentary installations, and beauty products to the community—a selfless act that resonates even more profoundly as it unfolded just before Thanksgiving. Laceland included performances, entertainment, free food, and hundreds of free services were rendered to the local community.

Damienne Flagler’s commitment to empowering women through her craft goes beyond the salon chair. With a reputation that spans continents, Flagler has made it her personal mission to utilize her resources to make women feel beautiful, confident, and valued. The Lace Land Beauty Giveback event stands as a testament to her belief that beauty is a tool for empowerment and self-expression.

In an industry often characterized by glamour and exclusivity, Flagler’s decision to give back to the community speaks volumes about her dedication to inclusivity and the belief that beauty should be accessible to all. The 100 wigs provided, along with free installations and beauty products, are not just cosmetic enhancements; they are instruments of self-esteem and confidence.

The driving force behind the Lace Land Beauty Giveback event, Denine Defined, is Flagler’s alter ego—a compassionate and visionary hairstylist committed to making a positive impact. Through this initiative, Defined demonstrated the transformative power of a good hairstyle and how it can uplift spirits and bring joy, especially during a season that emphasizes gratitude and giving.

Defined’s decision to organize this event right before Thanksgiving reflects a deeper understanding of the challenges faced by many in the community. By providing these services and products, she aimed not only to enhance external beauty but also to instill a sense of inner strength and resilience.

Adding another layer of celebration to this heartening event, Lia Dias and Hype Hair Magazine collaborated to feature Damienne Flagler as the cover girl for a special edition. This recognition not only acknowledges Flagler’s expertise but also brings attention to the importance of diversity and representation in the beauty industry.

The cover reveal, timed perfectly with the Lace Land Beauty Giveback event, sends a powerful message about embracing different forms of beauty and celebrating individuals who use their influence to make a positive impact in their communities.

In a world where beauty standards are often narrowly defined, Damienne Flagler’s Lace Land Beauty Giveback event, coupled with the cover feature in Hype Hair Magazine, is a beacon of inspiration. It reminds us all that beauty is a force for good and has the power to uplift, inspire, and create positive change in the lives of those it touches.

@lacelandfreefest @damienneflagler @denine defined 


Photo Credit: Dae Rae Media