Gabby B just released her most vulnerable song to date. “One Too Many” is directly inspired by her past experiences overcoming past trauma, from being bullied to even encountering acts of racism. The song is extremely relatable, as we see the most stripped down, vulnerable version of Gabby B yet.
The video begins with the intro: “The scariest thing for a child is to grow up feeling alone. Like they can’t make any friends because they’re told something’s wrong with them. I was that child.”
Gabby B is a Brazilian singer-songwriter who’s turned her hardships into triumphs, serving as a role model to females all around the world that no dream is too big, and you can do anything you set your mind to. Aside from her undeniable vocals, it’s her beauty and authenticity that has yielded over 500 million views on TikTok alone. Plus, her dance videos are contagious!
Sheen spoke with Gabby B in downtown Los Angeles, during a few days on the West Coast. Read below as we discuss the new single, advice to others suffering, “Violins” being a female empowerment song, goals, and more!
How does it feel to be here in Los Angeles?
Oh, I’m really excited. I love Los Angeles, except for that day that I saw a naked person in the street. [laughs] But everything else, it’s beautiful out here.
You just dropped “One Too Many.” How are you feeling?
I’m feeling great about it. It’s different from anything I’ve done. I usually do dancey type of stuff, but “One Too Many” is more raw. More about my life story of getting bullied too many times, so it’s been great.
Was it tough for you to open up like that, and be so vulnerable?
It definitely is tough for me to open up and be vulnerable, especially when I sing it live. It’s hard to not cry about it. I get into my emotions, and it’s really difficult. But it’s important for fans to understand where I came from and my story.
What was your creative vision with the music video? Did you paint growing up?
Yeah, that was my first passion. As far as everything, art in general is what I really love. But drawing was something that I used to do when I felt alone. I used to watch cartoons while drawing, it was really fun for me. That’s why I wanted that visual in the music video, where I would draw me as a little girl, then me as an adult. Just looking at myself and seeing that everything’s gonna be okay. Because I used to draw growing up, while I was getting bullied my whole life. That’s something people don’t really know, that I draw.
How did you deal with the bullying?
I have my Barbies. I love Barbies, I’m obsessed. I still have them. I have about 300, I still collect them. Even the movies, it’s something I’ve always been inspired to continue having. The whole message behind what Barbie means is everything to me. Also, I used to have an imaginary friend. Her name was Diana, she’s in France. [laughs] I used to keep myself busy because I was an only child.
How was it being an only child and having to go through that?
It was definitely lonely. I had both my parents, my mom and my dad, and I still do. I love them so much. But as a kid, when you don’t have another kid, you grow up with adults all the time, you feel lonely. The only thing I had for me was my Barbies. I talked to myself a lot, I still do. I used to talk to myself all the time. My mom used to tell me that she’d be next to my room and hear me talking to someone. I be talking by myself, making my own friendships all the time. [laughs]
How are your fans responding to the record?
Oh my gosh, they’re really loving it. They’re loving that they can hear my real vocals, because I try to make it as loud as I could. Normally, my dancing songs, they don’t really hear everything in me. But this one I was able to let it all out. I’ve got messages saying that they can relate, so that was really nice.
Do you have any advice for others who may be a victim of bullying or racism?
As much as you want to strangle them, keep educating yourself. Keep learning things, keep growing. Whatever inspires you to be in life in the future, stay dedicated. Learn about it and always have that dream. Never give up, just continue on.
What do your parents think about the record?
Oh, they love it. My grandma, she’s like, “Oh, this is so sad.” But they know what I’ve been through, they went through it with me. My mom felt so bad, she didn’t know what to do. They love it.
Favorite part about the music video?
My favorite part was the drawing I made. I made it before I made the video, because it was a lot of work. I needed to figure out what direction I was going with it. I wanted it to reveal right at the end, because I didn’t want it to be there the whole time. I just wanted the big reveal of what the drawing is, it holds a lot of meaning to me.
Are we gonna see more vulnerable music from you?
Yes, I’m definitely planning to share a lot more stories.
Talk about your previous single, “Violins.”
“Violins” is more women empowerment. Bad bitch, boss. I used to have a lot of friends even including myself in a different situation, but a lot of friends that would have a boyfriend and I’d be like “girl, no.” It’d be the most toxic relationship, then she’d keep going back and going back. I had a cousin like that, going back to this really, really bad guy. You don’t need that! Be independent. Continue working to be an independent woman. Find yourself, be comfortable with yourself before you get into this relationship. Don’t get involved with toxicity, it’s not good for you. It’s not good for your mental health. Be a boss bitch, get your bag first.
What are you most proud of being Brazilian?
I am most proud of my culture. Growing up, my mom was a Samba dancer and entertainer. My first club, I was four years old. [laughs] In France, I went to clubs with them. I went to marriages, a bunch of different events with my mom and my dad. My dad is a martial artist, Brazilian martial arts. So both of them together did the most common Brazilian cultural thing in my life. Growing up no matter where I lived, I was raised in France but we still have that culture in us and I’m so proud of it. When I wear my rhinestone bras, it’s supposed to represent my culture and what I grew up with. For me, it’s not sexual. It’s art. It’s the meaning behind it.
How often are you dancing?
Oh I dance all the time. I love dancing. I got into belly dance too, so I mix up Middle Eastern belly dance with Brazilian music. I love it so much, such a vibe.
How was the Air movie premiere?
Oh my gosh, that was so fun. I didn’t even see the trailer before I went, I wanted to be surprised and just watch it. I really ended up really liking it. I did not know Chris Tucker was gonna be in there, he’s my favorite! I love Chris Tucker, he’s so funny. He was so funny in the movie. It was a really great experience. I saw some people that I recognized there. Cuba Gooding was there, I was like, Oh hey! Because we met each other early on, but it was really fun.
Any goals for yourself?
I have many goals. [laughs] To always keep growing because there’s always room to grow and become better. Continue inspiring, most importantly. I have a lot of fans that struggle. I have a lot of fans with problems, just like me. I love that, because then I can help them. I love helping other people and just inspiring, especially kids that grow up.
What can we expect next from you?
Live performances. I’m gonna be doing a fashion show, runway. I’m gonna walk it, because I’m gonna sing. It’s gonna be Miami, for Swim Week. I’m really excited because it’s my third time. First time was in New York, second time was in LA. Now in Miami, so I’m so happy. More songs to come, different vibes. Maybe a really fire music video I’m working on. [laughs]
Photo Credits: Destiny Good
One thing fans may not know about you?
Let’s see. There’s a lot of things that people don’t know about me, but I’m a very open book. I even talk about my period.
That’s real. Why do we get that?!
Exactly, why?
Anything else gonna let us know?Just my socials, my Instagram and TikTok is @gabbyb_music. I have a website: All my songs are on Apple Music, Spotify, Tidal, any streaming platform.

Love Gabby B, she’s Awesome!! Love all her music!! 🔥🔥🔥