
2nd Corinthians 5:7 says “For we walk by faith and not by sight.” I never understood the text until I relocated from my home state to another state. In the beginning it was not easy, a mother with two daughter’s in an unfamiliar territory was very scary. With no immediate access to my family and friends back home I had no one to depend on, I felt hopeless and discouraged.

My upbringing as a child was that we always trust in God to know that he will make a way out of no way but at that point I was not feeling that way. Having been relocated for 2 years I met a couple of people along the some good some bad but that is neither here nor there,an acquaintance of mine invited me to church one Sunday I obliged the offer and attended service with her. Now what had occurred at service that Sunday took me by surprise!!! I was sitting there and this overwhelming feeling of joy, happiness, gratefulness came over me. My explanation of the presence of God.The tears we’re flowing and even though I knew my circumstances at home, my finances, my work life and personal life was not in order but for some reason I just knew everything is going to be alright for my children and I.

I left service went home and just sat on the couch thinking about the Sunday service and my stomach started to growl I knew if I’m hungry my children is hungry I had only $5.00 to my name and didn’t know where the meal was coming from.I was standing in my front door looking out the screen just staring in a daze and all of a sudden out of no where this voice in my ear said don’t you trust me? and I looked around as if someone was standing there with me,I shrugged my shoulders looked back out the screen door not even two seconds later it happened again “Don’t you trust me?”

So in that one second I stop I thought about it like I’m hungry but said out loud GOD I trust you.My phone rang and it was a family friend and she said she was calling just to check up on me to see how the girls and I were doing.It was about a ten minute conversation and before we were about to hang up she asked if I need anything and nonchalantly said chile I’m just hungry she said okay and hung up. I went into my bedroom and proceeded to fold some clothes I had on my bed time had passed about 30 minutes or so and my phone ring again it was my family friend again and she was like do you have a pen and a piece of paper? I was like yes let me get one, she proceeded to give me like a confirmation number and she said this is your Western Union confirmation number for you to go to Western Union and pick up the hundred dollars I just sent you. Shocked and thankful at the same time I cried and I told my family friend how much it meant to me because I said nonchalantly that I was hungry but her not knowing that I actually did not have any food and she just sent me $100 I feel like for no reason.

She stated God put it on her heart to send me the money, I don’t know what you needed it for but he told me you needed it so I sent it being obedient and she told me to stop crying that everything is going to be alright with me and my children and that GOD has it all under control. I went to the Western Union and pick up the money and went grocery shopping, put some gas in my car, and bought some little toiletries that I needed around my house. Once I made it back home I proceeded to put the groceries and things away and prepare dinner for the girls and I,with a sense of thankfulness knowing that I was able to feed my children for a couple of days I stood there in the kitchen like THANK YOU GOD one less thing to worry about this week and with that one thought that crossed my mind it made me think of the sermon that I had heard that Sunday 2nd Corinthians 5: 7 “For we walk by faith and not by sight.”

No matter the circumstances or trials and tribulations that we may endure in life if you just trust in God and know that he will always be there for you through the good, the bad, and the ugly.I know that we live in our human flesh and not the spirit realm, so I know it is hard  to trust and believe in something that you cannot see, that’s where the manifestation of your heart comes into play to have a relationship with God in the spirit Realm to connect with him in your human realm knowing  that he is there even if you cannot see him. Trusting and knowing His grace and undying tender Mercy will always endure forever in your life that you can gracefully walk by faith and not by sight.

Written by S.Silvera

This feature was submitted by Shanna Harrison

My name is Shanna Harrison I was born and raised in Fort Worth,TX.I’ve always enjoyed writing as a kid getting A’s on papers I wrote in English class from elementary to high school.Writing is a passion of mine and one day I will complete my New York Times best selling novel.