Now, KP returns to release his newest single and visual titled “INDUSTREETS,” tapping Griselda’s own Benny The Butcher. The song details how both KP and Benny are not your typical industry guys, although they are on top of they’re game when it comes to Hip Hop. Benny schools KP on the ins and outs of the music business, while letting him know he’s on the right track!
KP explains, “I wanted to create a record that most people in the music business could relate to. Anybody in the music business or who has pursued the music business knows just how frustrating it can be due to people not always being honorable, so I wanted to touch on the emotions of an upcoming artist: what it’s like when you’re at the door of the music business but not all the way in yet.”
KP also shared some nice words about Benny. “He was a perfect fit for it since he’s had a very organic route to his fanbase, and the success he’s having today. I felt he’d know exactly what I was going through and could relate to the record tremendously. I’ve known Benny since 2019 and we see eye to eye on a few things when it comes to music. When I asked him to get on the record, he was more than willing.”
The takeaway? Pursuing this music thing comes with a lot of ups and downs, but anything that’s worth keeping always does. No matter how frustrating and draining something is, just know whatever you desire the ultimate goal to be, that all of the frustrations will be worth it in the end. Even if you have to remind some people that you don’t take no shit!
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