
Stacey Homister Huddled Against Hunger in a free program from the Houston Texans, Kroger and the Houston Food Bank to create empathy and understanding around hunger in elementary, middle and high school students with other spa business owners in Houston, Tx. Stacey, who is considered the Golden Glove of Post Op Surgery Drainage & Massage-which has become a Billion Dollar industry, gave her time to a cause greater than herself. She specializes in lymphatic draining treatment, post op massages and all around body care for women who recently undergone plastic surgery.

Her dedication to her spa business, Body Unique Houston , reflects her passion for providing essential care for women altogether. It is inspiring to see her using her platform to make a positive impact both professionally and philanthropically. If Interested in her services she’s located in Houston, Tx her social media is: IG bodyunique_houston!


Photo Credit: Courtesy of Huddle Against Hunger