
Tonight, we celebrated 100 years of the Black American Music Art Form. Join me as we prepare for a star-studded red carpet for the Black American Music Association’s Inaugural ICE MEDAL OF HONOR event here in Atlanta GA. I am Rainy Cates your red carpet correspondent for the night here with Sheen Magazine and I am honored to speak with tonight’s honorees who include Muni Long, Jermaine Dupri, Bryan-Michael Cox, Grandmaster Flash, Jimmy Jam, Terry Lewis, Robert “Kool” Bell, Suzanne de Passe and Jeffrey Harleston.

Join me on the red carpet for the Inaugural ICE MEDAL OF HONOR event.

Brown Sugar (the movie) asked the question “When did you fall in love with hip-hip?”. But how do you ask that question to the co-founder of the genre? Comparing music to science, Grandmaster Flash shares with me the equation he used to pinpoint hip-hop and turn the table of music as we know it today. If you add a little of this while subtracting a little of this. Please excuse my dear aunt Sally. There is no question on why he is being honored tonight for the transformative award.

Joining the carpet soon after was Jermaine Dupri. Jermaine, along with Muni Long and Bryan- Michael Cox are the recipients of ICE song of the year for their viral sensational mega hit “Made for me”. A Kodak moment took place as two legends embraced each other while interviewing with SHEEN. To witness two men who as children, generations apart, only have a dream and a love for music. Battle to complement the other on their achievements was a true heartwarming moment.

The carpet continued to flow as honorees and executives shared their appreciation for their honors and support. Excited to know what the future of ICE holds, chairman Michael Mauldin shared an exclusive look inside the Inaugural event. “Be ready to be taken back in time.”  Cryptic but exciting.

Enjoy the full interviews with some of tonight’s honorees.