
We love a good boss babe don’t we? Especially the women who are out here on the scenes being unapologetically bossed up with a purpose. That task comes with dedication and sacrifices. Dedication and sacrifices that not everyone is willing to make. We’ve all heard of manifestation. Are you really manifesting the life you want? Are you really preparing for that dream career? Recently SHEEN had the pleasure of sitting down with author and director Sheena Herod and finding out just what manifestation looks like.

SHEEN: What made you get in to filmography?

Sheena Herod: I always had a love for theater growing up I was in proforming Arts. I was always on stage acting. But my career landed in the music industry where I was touring with different artists running their merchandising accounts . My company got an unusual account which was a play called Love Overboard created by a Houston writer Je’Caryous Johnson . I was touring with so many actors I grew up watching on tv like Carl Payne from Martin and Karen Maline White from Different World. It reminded me of what I love to do and that film .

SHEEN: As a female, we know getting in to this industry can be challenging, what are some challenges you faced and how did you overcome them?

Sheena Herod: I deal a lot with the male ego in the industry . You would be surprised how many men are jealous of a female boss. I don’t back down. I was raised with seven uncles , dad , grandfather and nothing but male cousins . I’m always up for the challenge.

SHEEN: A lot of actors and actresses don’t really like to go back and watch their work. In your case it’s different because you have to. What is typically your process?

Sheena Herod: I used to be like that when I first became a filmmaker . Now I’m so involved with the project I already saw it a million times before its release . I don’t watch it on tv though because I lived it.

SHEEN: When it comes to creating and writing, what do you feel is the most important thing you want the audience to take care away from the project?

Sheena Herod: When it comes to creating and writing a project , I hope the audience will be entertained in some kind of way . I like reactions to anything I do rather than good or bad . If they talking about me i’m doing something to get their attention.

SHEEN:  Who would be in your dream cast?

Sheena Herod: My dream cast will be Angela Bassett she’s one of my all-time favorite actresses. I’ve been watching her since she played Michael Jackson’s mom in the Jackson 5 . Denzel Washington is one of my actors that can do no wrong . He’s a beast in whatever he plays . If was still alive it would be Cicely Tyson for sure . I grew up watching her especially as a kid when she played Mrs. Grinch, which was one of my favorite Christmas movies. Let’s not forget Issa Rea , she is a dope actress and creative director . It doesn’t matter if she is behind the scenes or in front of the camera. I want to collaborate with her.

SHEEN: Who would you say is one of your favorite directors that you had coming up in the industry and why?

Sheena Herod: John Singleton is my all time favorite director . He is raw  and doesn’t care about what hollywoods thinks of him . He started out as an Indie filmmaker and he went as far as putting up his house for one of his movies 

SHEEN: After it’s all said and done, what do you want the world to know you for?

Sheena Herod: I want the world to known me as unstoppable. 

SHEEN: What’s next for you? 

Sheena Herod: I just signed a deal with Swirl films for my new movie Finding Destiny on tube and peacock soon. I’m excited about my collaboration with Swirl Films , I always wanted to work with them Finding Destiny book is available on and Barnes and Noble. 

SHEEN: If you could tell your younger self anything what would it be?

Sheena Herod: I would tell my younger self just to be patient . Everything I want will come in time. Don’t press so much, enjoy life! 

SHEEN: Any advice to those wanting to do what you?

Sheena Herod: Any advice I can give to others is don’t give up. No one can stop you but you . Create your “yes” meaning create your own table create your doorway. I had to create my own projects before I was really noticed. Now everyone wants to work with me. You don’t have to keep waiting on a yes from other people.

SHEEN: Anything special you want the people to expect from you?

Sheena Herod: I got a new hoodie line dropping next month with Create Your Yes. Make sure you guys follow me on Instagram for all my updates.

 Amazing. What a perfect way to start 2024. Now’s the time to start prepping those vision boards for 2024. No need to wait until the last minute. Sheena has just proven how if you set your heart on something and work towards it; you can have it. Nothing is out of our reach. Congrats Sheena on your new projects and deals. We look forward to seeing you literally on the big screen.

Photo Credits: Courtesy of Sheen Herod