25-year-old, Meka Jones is a Baltimore native and the oldest of five children. Jones, raised by a single parent mother took the chance and decided to go for an opportunity of a lifetime by joining Married at First Sight in hopes to find her soulmate afte unsuccessful relationships. We caught up with Meka to discuss her overall experience and why she wanted to become Married at First Sight.
What made you decide to take the chance and become Married at First Sight?
I feel that everything that has happened in my life thus far has prepared me for this journey. From my upbringing to my past relationships, my career, etc. All of my past relationships have in some way prepped me to be a wife. Going through my last relationship where I was cheated on, I had to find myself and figure out what I deserve after the relationship ended. That was tough and challenging but I wouldn’t change any part of it because I needed to go through that to ultimately find my worth. All of the things that worked in my past relationships are things that I want to take into my marriage and all of the things that didn’t work I have learned from and found new and effective ways to tackle those difficult situations. Everything that I’ve been through in my life has given me the ability to embark on this journey with the utmost confidence that I am ready to be a wife.
How would you describe your experience being Married at First Sight?
Being Married at First Sight has been a rollercoaster of emotions! There has been a lot of nervousness and anxiety but also so much happiness and enthusiasm. Being Married at First Sight is essentially forcing yourself to be okay with the unknown. I personally am someone who always likes to be in the know, but I’ve had to give up control and just trust the experts because I know the end will justify the means. Overall, I wouldn’t change a thing!

photo by Daniel Dorsa
What do you believe this experience has taught you about yourself?
This experience has taught me so much about myself. It forced me to look at the things in myself that could be better and genuinely work to change those things. I learned that there are a lot of things that I do well in a relationship that I hadn’t initially realized. I learned that I am direct about my expectations, I am very clear about what I want, and I can communicate what I feel better than I ever could before. Above all else, this experience has taught me that I truly am capable of whatever it is that I want to accomplish. A year ago, I would’ve never thought I’d actually get Married at First Sight but now here I am embarking on this journey more confident than ever in my decision to do so. I’ve challenged myself in ways that I’d never thought possible and that has been the biggest lesson for me throughout this journey
Be sure to tune into Married at First Sight airs at 8 PM EST on Lifetime.
Featured Image by Dagment Photography
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