Christina Michelle J is an inspiring example of how anyone can turn their life around, no matter how difficult the circumstances. A CEO of multiple businesses, social media influencer, mother, and motivational speaker, Christina has overcome immense obstacles to become the woman she is today. Today, she is a beacon of hope for anyone who has ever felt like their circumstances are too difficult to change. 

Who is Christina Michelle outside your bio?

Christina: I, Christina Michelle, am a wife, mother of four, sister, auntie, daughter, friend, and woman of faith. I was raised in Hopkins, South Carolina, and I grew up in the church…COGIC… holiness Pentecostal, to be exact. Those who can relate know that this is where I spent most of my childhood days. Hence, I will pray my way through any and everything!


Can you tell us a bit about the documentary Prison to Redemption? 

Christina: Prison to Redemption, the Christina Michelle story, is a documentary depicting the true-life story of Christina Michelle…the good, the bad, and the ugly. It documents my story from childhood trauma and triumph to adulthood incarceration and redemption and the impact it had on the lives of my loved ones. It is a raw and uncut expose of my street life, my prison story, and my present story of mothering four beautiful and successful children as I steward multiple successful businesses.


Being that you taught yourself civil and criminal law, did you find it difficult to be taken seriously when you decided to help others with cases?

Christina: Absolutely not. What prompted me to even begin to study civil and criminal law was my attorney, well one of the attorneys over my federal case. He said to me, “Christina, help me help you… you know your case better than anybody…help me help you.” That’s all He had to say. From that moment, I jumped into my case, I read it fervently…detail by detail! I went into the Law library, read every book… every law that pertained to my case and cases like mine. Because I was so passionate about getting home to my children, it empowered me to be in a position to do the same for others. So, I was never intimidated… I was built for such a time as this!


As a multi-entrepreneur, where would you like to see your company in the next 3 years?

Christina: On a Forbes list…I don’t know which one yet. Pick one…maybe three! A household name…the sky is not the limit…!!!


Being the owner of multiple businesses, how do you balance a work-life balance and self-care time?

Christina: I am intentional and strategic about spending time with my husband and my children. After being away for 10 years straight from my children, these moments are priceless, and I cherish them.

I work all the time, but I will make sure to go to the beach or some other serene environment to work while creating content. I make sure we have Sunday dinners at my house for my entire family …momma, daddy, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephews, cousins, everyone. I love to cook for my family. I also enjoy spending time with the social media sensation, my dog Bella. I love being a dog mom. And most importantly, I am intentional about spending time alone with the Lord…it is medicinal.


What do you define as success? 

Christina: I define success as being able to do what I want and need to do for my family when I want and need to do it. Success, to me, is being healthy, happy, whole, and surrounded by the ones I love and the ones who love me… uninterrupted.


What would like our viewers to gain from this interview? 

Christina: A better understanding of who Christina Michelle is and what she represents. A look at a black mother, adversely affected by the United States penal system…who went away for 10 years, came home and now is successfully loving on her family is successfully being loved. I want you to gain hope that if God can do it for me, He can do it for you too.

How can people remain connected with you?

Christina: You can find me on all social media platforms… @ ChristinaMichelleJ…Christina Michelle…Christina Always…on Facebook and christina_always…christinamichellebrand on Instagram…@ beauty 77 on TikTok…and Christina always on YouTube. You can check out my websites; or look for me on your favorite streaming platform when the documentary Prison to Redemptions comes out soon.


Photo Credits: Photo Provided