“Look for the good in people, and you will always find it.”– Brian Tracy.
My mom used the above quote as her motto. I understood it, but I hadn’t grasped the impact it could have upon the world until I met Barry Shore. I lovingly refer to him as a ‘Prophet of Joy.’ He simply handed me a card with ‘KEEP SMILING’ printed on it. That gesture awakened my soul much like John Belushi in the movie ‘The Blues Brothers’ where he ‘Sees the Light’ and does cartwheels and literally flips in the air with jubilation.
Dr. Ken, Please tell us more about your Smiling Movement.
Barry’s message caused me to reflect upon my mom’s ability to bring positivity to everyone around her. So I shared my vision with Barry – to amplify his gesture and create the ‘KEEP SMILING’ movement. The ‘KEEP SMILING’ message has been photographed around the world alongside thousands of beautiful love-inspired smiles (teeth or not) of amazing authors, business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders, models, musicians, speakers, and artists.
These photos are bound into a 6” x 6” book with 50 amazing smiles per edition. One of the included leaders is selected to share their story of inspiration within the book. Currently, we have 200 of these FREE thematic books on Amazon and our website (www.theKEEPSMILINGmovement.com). Our executive director, Dr. Andrea Adams, filed the 501c3 nonprofit for the Keep Smiling movement. Our mission is to save lives with dental and mental wellness. I wrote ‘The Science of Smiles’ to share the neurological importance of smiling. If a book inspires someone to be better or awakens them to focus on a solution to their happiness, life will be better for all involved.
How has the Pandemic impacted you as an author?
During the 2020 pandemic, I had an epiphany to create a legacy. First, I completed my dissertation through the International University of Entrepreunology with a Ph.D. in Philosophy, then became ‘Dr. Smiley’. I wanted to make my mom proud, more so to be an example of resilience to my son (Kenny III, aka K3). Second, Kenny became a 6x author who aims to have ten by his tenth birthday. Third, a friend gave me an acronym for H.O.P.E.- ‘Hold On Pain Ends.’ This inspired a book to honor my mentor Barry, aka ‘The Ambassador of Joy,’ to publish our first book together, ‘A Pocket Full of Acronyms.’
I recently co-created a venture called ‘Amplifluence.com,’ a world tour to help leaders, authors, speakers, and coaches create more impact with their message and mission. My partners, Michelle Mras, lead author of the ‘Hold My Crown’ book series, and Todd Westra, CEO of Moku, have combined our expertise to harness the energy of the KEEP SMILING movement.
I’ve discovered that the world has people worthy of amplifying their goodness, so seek them out. There have been over 2 million ‘KEEP SMILING’ cards distributed to people who share their soul through their highest frequency…a SMILE J. As my mother advised me, I now pass to you, “Look for the good…you’ll find it”.
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