
With everything going on in our world today, it has become increasingly difficult for us to maintain our normal everyday lives. Especially when it comes to our health and wellness. That is why holistic practitioner and expert in the vaginal steaming industry, Thema Azize Serwa would like to remind us all that one of the best ways we can help care for those around us is by caring for ourselves.

Business minded from a very young age, Thema Azize Serwa has always enjoyed using her leadership skills and love of natural medicine to help heal and build up those around her. After starting her first organization at the age of 6, Thema knew that her mission in life was to empower others, specifically women and girls, to be the best versions of themselves. However it wasn’t until she faced her own personal dilemma that she truly embraced her calling.

“I was in my 20s, experiencing my own health crisis of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) and infertility, that I remembered the gift of natural medicine and the impact it has on every area of your life. Being ill woke my soul up.”

Over the years Thema has continued to thrive in her mission. In 2011 she founded the Womb Sauna, a holistic practice that specializes in vaginal steaming or yoni and feminine self care. Through her practice she has developed a unique method of vaginal steaming that provides its users with over 25 biopsychosocial health benefits. Thema has gone on to offer certifications programs and an online education programs through the Womb Sauna, as well. But business is not the only area in which Thema has flourished. As she is also an accomplished writer who has been featured in two best selling anthologies.

photo courtesy of Thema Azize Serwa

“In both of these books I talk about the power of vulnerability and how in the face of adversities that range from physical illness to emotional and psychological illnesses, there are key things you can do every day to heal everything.”

In addition to her business and writing, Thema has also become a representative for women’s health, speaking in a wide variety of rooms worldwide. She has even shared with us some of her tips to keep you and your womb healthy during the quarantine. These include starting each day with balancing your acid/alkaline state and digestion, staying hydrated, doing some form of sacred movement daily and last but certainly not least, taking the time to check your womb and feminine area for any changes or developments.

“This COVID19 experience is requiring us to change how we live. It’s terrifying and necessary. It is changing our values about life and changing our priorities. Self-care is top of mind for all of us. I teach women about womb care in the context of the womb of your mind, womb of your body, and womb of your spirit. “

This feature was submitted by Kayla Isley

My name is Kayla Isley. I was born in raised in central Jersey. I recently graduated from Arcadia University with a Bachelor’s degree. I majors in communications and minored in professional writing. During my time at University I wrote articles for the online zine LOCOMag and published my own shelf help book for college students. Now I am just trying to find an outlet where I can express myself and maybe gain some experience in the professional writing realm.

Featured Image by Gisele Bonds