Creating a healthy skincare routine is a must, but if you deal with eczema or atomic dermatitis, which is a skin condition that leads to itchiness, dry patches on the skin and inflammation, preparing a skin-hydrating routine early to plan for the colder months can make all the difference.
Living with eczema or atomic dermatitis is all about maintenance because flare ups can occur anywhere from your face and scalp to in between your fingers and your wrists. While there is no known cause, some scientists believe that flare-ups are triggered by a combination of genetics and external factors, according to the National Eczema Association.
For those with uber sensitive skin, long gone are the days where finding products that cater to your needs is like finding a needle in a haystack. In fact, larger to smaller brands are hard at work developing entire collections to help troubled and dry skin maintain its moisture while controlling symptoms. For starters, Dove has taken hydration to new heights with their DermaSeries Body Care Collection enriched with ingredients like colloidal oatmeal that protects the skin’s layer and treats irritation.
From body butters to oils, we’ve rounded up the best beauty products for sensitive skin to upgrade your winter skincare routine. Whether you’re dealing with dryness, itching or eczema, these beauty buys will keep your skin healthy, happy, and irritant-free.
Creams, balms and butters
When your skin needs moisture, a thick and soothing cream can do the trick. Many creams on the market help infuse the skin with ceramides and lipids to protect the top layer of the skin and infuse it with moisture.

photo obtained from Glammed Naturally
Glammed Naturally Oil Mango Shea Butter
Did you know that mangoes have the power to rejuvenate your skin? This mega ingredient is packed with antioxidants and vitamins that provide a natural protective barrier to keep skin buttery soft, smooth and glowing. If you’re looking for value and efficiency, Glammed Naturally Oil Mango Shea Butter is a two in one hair and body butter to help combat the dryness induced by eczema while moisturizing your strands. It’s a win-win for you for sure!

photo obtained from GladSkin
Gladskin Eczema Cream with Micreobalance
When it comes to eczema treatment, Gladskin will leave your skin feeling velvety smooth. It’s great on the face and body and helps restore balance to the skin. What’s great about this product is that it’s fragrance-free, steroid-free and a great remedy for eczema flare ups in the winter.

photo obtained from Avéne
Avène Cicalfate Restorative Skin Cream
This is a miracle worker. Do you know that one patch of dry skin that isn’t well-moisturized can kick-start your eczema cycle again? Avène Cicalfate Restorative Skin Cream is a dermatologist approved and hypoallergenic cream that keeps your skin moisturized, glowing and hydrated for long hours. As the name implies, it restores the skin – relieving it from all forms of irritation, dryness and redness.

photo obtained from Dove
Dove Dermaseries Dry Skin Relief Expert Balm
Sifting for the right product to manage eczema flare-ups is like an Olympic sport. To make matters easier, Dove’s Dermaseries has an entire collection full of hand and body creams that are absolutely top tier. The brand’s Dermaseries Dry Skin Expert Relief Balm is non-greasy, hypoallergenic, and non-irritating. Developed with a petroleum-jelly mixture, this balm leaves skin silky smooth and itch-free.

photo obtained from Hello Bello
Once massaged into the skin, it acts as a protective layer, protecting your skin from any itch and dryness. Made with nourishing shea butter, soothing chamomile, and protective tamanu oils, this product is the perfect solution to eczema any day.
The perfect addition to your eczema-friendly skincare routine is a lightweight lotion that won’t clog pores or leave a greasy film behind. Try these lotions that immerse your skin’s layers with ingredients like glycerine, petroleum and vitamins.

photo obtained from CeraVe
Daily Moisturizing CeraVe Lotion
When the National Eczema Association gives you the greenlight, it’s an easy choice from there. Developed with dermatologist and sensitive skin in mind, CeraVe Daily Moisturizing Lotion provides a soothing and hydrating finish that is top tier during the colder months. Ideal for treating and presenting itchy skin, this lotion penetrates the skin and the ceramides to help boost moisture and hydration.
Cleansers – Eczema on the face has to be the worst. Prevent dry patches, discoloration and parched skin by using a gentle cleanse that won’t strip your delicate complexion.

photo obtained from Clinique
Clinique Redness Solutions Soothing Cleanser
This powerhouse cleanser removes dirt and makeup from your face. It’s a great product for those with sensitive skin as it reduces redness and soothes irritation. You don’t have to worry about your skin’s moisture balance as the formulas are packed to preserve it. It’s also a semi-exfoliant product, meaning you can remove dead skin cells without causing more problems.

photo obtained from Cetaphil
Sticking true to a tried and true brand like Cetaphil is a great option. This product works wonders to provide hydration and protect your skin against dryness. Not only does it remove dirt, makeup and impurities, it’s packed with vitamin B3, vitamin B5 and hydrating glycerin to improve sensitive skin.
Oil-infused moisture
Plant oils have been historically known for their healing ingredients that protect eczema-prone skin by reducing inflammation and fare ups.

photo obtained from Yoro Naturals
Yoro Naturals Coconut and Sunflower Oil Soap
Sunflower seed oil comes from the plant Helianthus annus. It is a powerful hero in the battle against dry skin. It’s anti-inflammatory properties makes it an ideal candidate to help treat and manage symptoms by addressing a less-than-stellar skin barrier found in eczema and other skin issues. Yoro Natural Coconut and Sunflower Oil Soap combines sunflower seed and coconut oil that moistens skin while gently cleansing skin minus the irritation.

photo obtained from Sephora
Josie Maran 100% Pure Argan Oil
Argan oil is your skin’s best friend. It’s packed with vitamins that help improve the health of your skin. This product works magic on your skin by repairing and replenishing skin cells. Rich in Vitamin E, it’s deeply hydrating and nourishing and great for sensitive skins. Use on your face, neck, hair, and anywhere that needs some hydration.
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