

Frances Cuesta


2020 is behind us.  A new year has begun and you may be beating yourself up for not accomplishing your 2020 health goals. Well guess what? This year was like no other. Many of us went from working in an office to working from home, some us went from being active members of a fitness studio to working out from home, and most of us have remained in a bubble, limiting our physical connection with others. So no need to beat yourself up; just plan ahead and give it one more try, understanding that you many need to take a different approach and create new habits.


  “I welcome new habits in my life.”


One effective way to create new habits is using comfort triggers. You see, creating new habits is all about tricking your brain. Since we cling to old habits because they make us feel comfortable, then the solution is modifying your old habit, wrapped in a new habit with the similar comfort zone.  For example, if you are working from home what will give you comfort during the discomfort?  Maybe watching Netflix on the treadmill or wearing your comfiest active wear.

If you’re trying to eat healthier, challenge yourself to recreate healthier versions of your favorite comfort food. If you’re trying to reduce your coffee consumption, try swapping coffee for a different type of warm and comforting beverage like tea or turmeric latte.

Here’s to using comfort triggers to reaching your health goals.