31 Day Fit

Day 21: “In order to have something new and different, something in and about you has to be new and different.”

Day 20:“Let’s be real, growth is painful. But after pain, healing is invited.” – Self

Day 19: All you need is a mat on the floor. No excuses!

Day 18: “God gave you purpose; make Him proud”

Day 17: “She believed she could so she did.”

Day 16: “Appreciate where you are, while working towards where you desire to be.”

Day 15: “Remind yourself that you are fearfully and wonderfully made…”

Day14: “Forgive yourself for the failures. Then, commit to investing in your passions.” -Inetta Lowery®

Day 13: “I welcome new habits in my life.”

Day 12:“I can’t wish for the life I want, I have to work for the life I wish!”